How to move Symantec Endpoint Protection content directory to another partition or drive without reinstalling

Steps for moving Symantec Endpoint Protection content directory to a new partition or drive :

  1. Stop the following services via the “Services” control panel.
    • “Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager”
    • “IIS Admin Service” (This will also stop the “World Wide Web Publishing Service”).
  2. Open My Computer
  3. Browse to the folder where the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager application is currently installed
    (Typically Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\)
  4. Open the “Inetpub” subfolder, and rename the “Content” folder. The new name does not matter, but for ease of use, I would recommend using “Content1”
  5. Create an empty folder called “Content” in the “Inetpub” folder.
  6. Create a “Content” folder on another partition
  7. Link the 2 folders using junction.exe. You can find the instructions at this link
  8. Copy all files and folders from:
    Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Content1\ To
    Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Content\
  9. Delete the unnecessary Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Content1\ folder.
  10. Restart the services:
    • “Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager”
    • “IIS Admin Service”
    • “World Wide Web Publishing Service


How to use junction.exe

Junction.exe helps you to link one folder from a hard drive or partition to another folder from a different hard drive or partition. In case you don’t have enough space on the hard drive, usually C: drive on the server and you cannot move the data because is used by an application you can create a junction and move the data.

Use junction to list junctions:

Usage: [-s]

-s    Recurse subdirectories


To determine if a file is a junction, specify the file name:

junction c:\test

To list junctions beneath a directory, include the –s switch:

junction -s c:\

To create a junction c:\Program-Files for “c:\Program Files”:

C:\>md Program-Files

C:\>junction c:\Program-Files “c:\Program Files”

To delete a junction, use the –d switch:

junction -d c:\Program-Files

use ” ” if you have spaces in the path.